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19 - 29 Sep, 2024

Local Experts to Deliver Training for PDO on Child’s Rights Issues

The goal of the USAID Rule of Law Program is to strengthen the rule of law in Georgia by building the independence and effectiveness of justice sector institutions, enhancing access to justice for all segments of society, and increasing citizen and institutional oversight of justice sector institutions.


The Department of Child's Rights at the Public Defender’s Office supervises the protection and promotion of children's rights and freedoms. It aims to ensure the realization of these rights, encourages improvements in procedures and laws related to children's welfare, and raises public awareness about children's rights. Additionally, the Department is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as national and international acts on child rights.

Proposed approach

The USAID Rule of Law Program seeks to hire a local expert to deliver three-day training on Child Rights and International Standards to the PDO's Child Rights Department personnel, as well as representatives from the Gender Department, Department of Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Anti-Discrimination mechanism, Regional Department, Department of Protection of Civil, Political, Economic and, Social and Cultural Rights, Department of Primary Examination of Rights Violations, Department of Criminal Justice, National Preventive Mechanism, Analytical Department, Strategic Litigation Unit. In total, the training will accommodate 25 people.

The training will focus on the following topics:

  1. Recent and significant cases from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and other respective institutions concerning the best interests of the child, the right to be heard, the right to life and development, and protection from discrimination.
  2. International legal frameworks, mechanisms, and practices for protecting children’s rights in cyberspace and the compliance of Georgian legislation with international standards.
  3. The child's right to have a relationship with both parents. This includes looking at existing international standards, cases from the ECtHR, international abduction cases under the Hague Conventions, and situations where a decision made in one Hague member state needs to be enforced in another country (practices and challenges in this area).


The expert will work closely with Ekaterine Bokuchava, Access to Justice Advisor, Keti Kiknadze, Access to Justice Specialist, and will report to Giorgi Chkheidze, Chief of Party.

Timeline and Estimated Level of Effort

The training period: October or November

Please note that ​​the candidates may submit offers for at least one or a maximum of two training topics.

Level of effort: 2 days for the preparation for each training topic and 1 day for conducting training on the respective topic.


The expert will provide the following deliverables:

  1. Prepare materials for the training for PDO;
  2. Conduct training for the PDO.

Requirement and Eligibility

Education: University degree in law or related field.


  1. Working experience in human rights, including children's rights, as well as knowledge of relevant international standards and case law;
  2. Delivering similar trainings for PDO or similar institutions;
  3. Familiarity with the work and mandate of the PDO;
  4. Experience of working on the topics of the training will be considered as an advantage;
  5. Excellent communication skills.

To apply, potential candidates need to present:

  1. CV with a detailed list of qualifications and experience;
  2. Outline of the training;
  3. Cost proposal, including the proposed gross daily rate in USD (expert honorarium only).

* Application will be reviewed based on the above-provided requirement and eligibility criteria.

The application may be submitted in English or in Georgian. The application should be e-mailed to Keti Kiknadze at Please include the following text in the subject line: “Local Experts to Deliver Training for PDO on Child’s Rights Issues”.

The deadline for application submissions is September 29, 2024 (Georgia time).

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