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01 Jun - 31 Jul, 2024

University Law Professors Share Ideas on How to Improve Human Rights Education in Georgian Law Schools

In June and July 2024, the Human Rights Center at the Law School of University of Georgia (UG) delivered a series of trainings to 10 Georgian law professors. Funded by the USAID Rule of Law Program (“Program”), the training series provided a platform for the professors to discuss the teaching of human rights topics and the defending of human rights in a challenging political and social environment. The organizers selected the topics based on suggestions made by participating law professors.

The topics were: freedom of assembly, personal data protection, freedom of expression, gender, and the right to equality.

The training series is part of the Program-supported grant, “Improving Human Rights Teaching at the University of Georgia.”  In the coming months, the Human Rights Center will sponsor human rights discussions for students in Tbilisi, Batumi and Akhaltsikhe.


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