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07 Apr 2023

Protecting the Rights of an Employee on the Platform

"I took my friend's advice and started working at Glovo, thinking it would be an easy and profitable courier job. However, I quickly discovered that the job was filled with risks and obstacles.”

Andro Chelidze is one of Glovo's couriers, who is an active user of the social media pages and often writes about the problems of employees on the platforms.

On March 17, 2022, Andro announced a meeting on the couriers' support Facebook page to discuss important issues like health insurance, covid pay, and weather bonuses. The following day, Glovo blocked Andro's app, leading him to believe that the company was punishing him for his activism.

Andro is more aware of labor rights than many other Glovo employees, so he turned to the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) for help and they immediately got involved in the process with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program.

GTUC appealed to the Public Defender’s Office, and, after studying the circumstances, it was determined that Glovo had engaged in direct discrimination against Andro based on his union activity. The relationship between Andro and Glovo was considered a labor relationship, which implied certain social labor guarantees that the employer had violated when terminating Andro's employment.

As a result of these findings, Glovo was ordered to immediately restore Andro's access to the app, setting a precedent that will improve the labor rights of those employed on the platform. In addition to Andro, four other beneficiaries from the platform have also been identified at this stage.


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