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16 May 2023

State Compensation Granted to the Child of a Femicide Victim for the First Time

The minor child of a femicide victim, an 8-year-old girl, received state compensation of 10,000 GEL. Rights Georgia represented the interests of the minor girl before the State Care Agency, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program. This is the first-time state compensation was granted to the child of a femicide victim after the Government of Georgia established rules for payment of state compensation to victims of domestic violence and children of femicide victims on November 9, 2022.

The girl’s mother was brutally murdered by her former husband, the father of the child, in July 2022. Following the tragedy, the girl’s grandmother was forced to assume responsibility for raising the girl and the grandmother and granddaughter lived under difficult economic conditions.

"I have suffered an irreparable loss. My only daughter was killed, and I have a little granddaughter who I must take care of as long as I can," says the girl's grandmother. "It was a real relief to receive financial compensation for the hardships my granddaughter has gone through," she admits.

The girl became eligible for compensation after the guilty murder verdict entered into force against the girl’s father. On April 3, 2023, Rights Georgia submitted a request to the State Care Agency with the verdict in the murder case, written statements of the child and the grandmother, and additional documents. On May 2, the Director of the State Care Agency issued an order to pay 10,000 GEL in compensation to the daughter of the femicide victim. This was a precedent-setting decision and a major victory for the girl and her grandmother.

Rights Georgia, with the USAID Rule of Law Program support, will continue to provide legal assistance in cases of state compensation to women who are victims of violence and the minor children of femicide victims, and will also actively work to make the state compensation scheme as accessible as possible to all who meet the relevant criteria.


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