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28 Jun 2024

Batumi State University Launches Practical Law Initiative in Adjara Schools

The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU), supported by the USAID Rule of Law Program, has introduced clinical teaching of practical law (street law) into the legal studies curriculum.

As part of this initiative, students from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences led law training sessions for 10th and 11th grade students in public schools across the Adjara region.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 16 students completed the practical law clinic course. Subsequently, these students conducted 48 law training sessions attended by over 120 students in eight public schools under the guidance of the coordinator of the practical law clinic, Tsira Komakhidze.

Working in pairs, the 16 students delivered legal training in public schools in the Khelvachauri and Kobuleti Municipalities, covering topics such as the Constitution and Democracy, Human Rights, the Judicial System and People-Centered Justice, Juvenile Justice, Child Rights, Child Marriage, Child Labor Rights, and Women's Rights.

Mariam Lortkipanidze, one of the participating students, shared her thoughts about her experience: "This project gave me invaluable experience in communicating with diverse audiences and enhanced my professional skills. Working with different groups taught me effective ways to convey information to listeners with varying interests. The positive energy I received during this program has motivated me to continue working towards increasing legal awareness, not only among the next generation but beyond."

Another student, Nino Kontselidze, expressed her commitment to contributing to society through legal education: "Ensuring the protection of law and justice remains a pressing concern. One of the primary responsibilities of legal experts is to disseminate accurate information to the public. This course has given us the chance to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, encouraging the development of presentation skills and effective communication."


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