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23 Oct 2023

Career Talks Akaki Tsereteli State University - Inspiring Future Lawyers

The USAID Rule of Law Program, through its Rule of Law Hub in Kutaisi and in partnership with the Akaki Tsereteli State University, organized a career talk around 60 students, commemorating the 90th anniversary of the University's establishment.

The Rector of Akaki Tsereteli State University, Shalva Kirtadze, commended the initiatives of the USAID Rule of Law Program, which, in collaboration with the University’s law faculty, undertakes activities to enhance the quality of education for Georgia’s future lawyers. The University’s USAID supported project works to improve the knowledge and skills of students at regional universities by improving the process of teaching with cases and introducing practical “Street Law” courses for students.

Additionally, the Chairman of the Georgian Bar Association, David Asatiani, expressed his willingness to continue a series of career talks with the University, under a memorandum of understanding between Akaki Tsereteli State University and the Georgian Bar Association (GBA).

USAID Rule of Law Program Chief of Party, Giorgi Chkheidze extended his welcome to the university students and provided information on the Program’s activities aimed at advancing fair trial standards throughout Georgia. He emphasized the Program’s commitment to bolstering the institutional independence of the GBA and Legal Aid Service in Georgia, as well as supporting the individual independence of judges.

The welcoming speeches were followed by a presentation from the Chairman of the GBA Ethics Commission, Konstantine Gelashvili, who discussed the professional obligations of a lawyer when representing a client in court. Mr. Gelashvili underscored the pivotal role of the lawyer in the administration of justice, emphasizing the duty to protect the client's interests with integrity while maintaining the confidentiality of information. He also noted that the legal profession requires safeguarding the reputation of the entire bar, as one lawyer's actions can impact the reputation of others if done without good faith and honesty.

During the meeting, students expressed interest in varied topics, including common misconduct by lawyers, methods for lawyers to enhance their professional knowledge, handling conflicts between client confidentiality and the need to report crimes such as the interpretation of confidential information, and the principle of loyalty to the client.

During the previous semester, Akaki Tsereteli State University students had the opportunity to attend Legal English courses provided by the USAID Rule of Law Program’ Kutaisi Hub Attorney Ana Shalamberidze. At the event, Giorgi Chkheidze awarded certificates for successful completion of the Legal English course.

In conclusion, both students and speakers agreed that these types of career talks will be continued, featuring participation from other representatives of the legal profession. This will serve to further enrich regional law students' knowledge and comprehension of legal education and practice.


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