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13 Aug 2024

GYLA Launches New Court Monitoring Initiative with the USAID Rule of Law Program Support

On August 13, 2024, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), with support from the USAID Rule of Law Program, launched a project to monitor criminal court cases to promote civil and political rights.

The event, attended by 33 representatives from the Central Election Commission, political parties, the Public Defender’s Office, and various local and international organizations, as well as legal professionals, introduced the project’s objectives.

Tamar Oniani, GYLA’s Human Rights Program Director, outlined the project's main activities and the types of cases that will be monitored. Running from August to December 2024, the project will focus on criminal cases that carry high public interest, particularly in the context of the 2024 parliamentary elections.

GYLA aims to document human rights violations, concerns about judicial independence, and issues related to fair trials. The findings will be published to raise public awareness through traditional and social media.

The event also included a presentation on GYLA’s election monitoring mission, supported by donors such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the UK Embassy in Georgia, and the New Democracy Fund.


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