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28 Jun 2024

Georgian Bar Association Introduces Cutting-Edge Exam Software

With support from USAID's Rule of Law Program, the Georgian Bar Association (GBA) employed new exam software to deliver the bar exam.

This innovative software prioritizes user independence, allowing candidates to manage the entire examination process themselves.

The software is a comprehensive tool that simplifies the entire exam management process for candidates. It allows them to schedule their exams, receive real-time updates on schedules and procedural changes, and manage their profiles remotely. Candidates can also upload necessary documentation and pay their exam fees electronically, eliminating the need for manual transactions. This flexibility extends to choosing exam dates that best suit their specializations and personal schedules, making the planning process more convenient.

Beyond logistical management, the software enhances the exam experience by enabling candidates to review exam questions and receive expert feedback remotely. This feature promotes transparency and helps candidates understand their performance more clearly. Moreover, upon passing their exams, candidates instantly receive their electronic certificates via a secure link, confirming their achievements without delay. Overall, the software offers a streamlined, flexible, and efficient solution for managing exams from start to finish

The software enhances inclusivity by offering specialized features tailored for candidates with special needs, especially those who are visually impaired. It includes a dedicated module designed to support blind or visually impaired users, ensuring they can easily navigate and use the software. This module integrates seamlessly with screen readers and provides text-to-speech capabilities, which read aloud the on-screen content, making the entire exam process accessible and manageable for these candidates.

During the most recent exam sessions held from June 20-23, 2024, the GBA used the software to deliver the exam to 500 candidates, 127 of whom passed the exam.  


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