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19 Jul 2024

Georgian Legal Professionals Learn About Bosnia and Herzegovina Court Function

On July 17, 2024, the Group of Independent Lawyers and Democracy Index - Georgia, with support from the USAID Rule of Law Program, hosted an online presentation about how courts work in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Judge Marela Jevtovic, a judge at the Banja Luka Court in Bosnia and Herzegovina, made the presentation. Fourteen legal professionals and NGO representatives attended.

Judge Jevtovic explained how the Bosnia and Herzegovina court system functions. She noted that all judges are appointed by the High Judiciary and Prosecutorial Council through a process that can take several months. She spoke about the case backlog problem at least partially caused by the lack of civil case deadlines provided by the law.

Judge Jevtovic explained how their judicial vetting process was conducted in 2003-2004.

The event was part of a lecture series organized by the International Network of Judicial Reformers, designed to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration between legal professionals. The network includes 59 members from 23 countries across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the US.


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