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23 - 24 May, 2024

Georgian Legal Professionals Learn Lessons in Jury Trial Management

On May 23-24, 2024, 50 members of the Legal Aid Service (LAS) and Georgian Bar Association (GBA) attended a workshop led by Judge Kerry Meyer, Presiding Judge of the Fourth Judicial District Court Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on the effective management of jury trials. The USAID Rule of Law Program (Program) brought Judge Meyer to Georgia and sponsored the event.   

In the first part of her presentation, Judge Meyer explained the crucial role that jurors play in the U.S. legal system. She detailed the rigorous selection process designed to ensure their impartiality and fairness, stressing that jurors must evaluate evidence and make decisions based on the facts presented during trial.

Judge Meyer highlighted the importance of giving clear legal instructions to guide jurors in their deliberations.

In the second part of her presentation, Judge Meyer explained best practices for managing juries. She provided an overview of effective strategies for juror selection, emphasizing the importance of diversity and impartiality.

Judge Meyer also covered the methods for maintaining clear and open communication with jurors throughout the trial process, ensuring their comfort and understanding of proceedings.

She addressed common challenges in jury management and shared innovative solutions used in American courts to address these issues.

Following Judge Meyer's presentation, attendees engaged in a dynamic discussion session. This allowed participants to share their perspectives, raise questions, and explore how U.S. jury management practices could be adapted to the Georgian court system.


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