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22 - 24 May, 2024

Georgian Street Law Academy

On May 22-24, 2024, the USAID Rule of Law Program in Georgia (the Program) supported the delivery of a Street Law Academy to representatives of the nine law schools implementing street law programs in Georgia.

During the two-day event, street law experts, the Program invited Amy Wallace and Richard Grimes, shared practical tips with students and professors on how they could improve their respective street law courses.

Twenty-three people attended the Academy, including 15 students from universities across the country. Through the presentation of simulated lessons, students from various universities, including Tbilisi State University, New Vision University, Georgian National University and others, shared their success stories and reflected on their improved performance and enhanced skills due to their taking of street law courses.  Professors for their part, discussed the assessment techniques they use in their courses to determine course quality and impact.  

Since 2022, the Program has worked with five universities, including in the regions of Batumi, Zugdidi, Kutaisi and Telavi to develop street law courses and integrate them into school curricula.

Since 2023, more than 40 students have used the knowledge gained in their law school courses to conduct over 100 street law lessons at 25 public schools in Adjara, Zugdidi, Kutaisi and Tbilisi


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