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01 Apr - 30 Jun, 2024

Incorporating Human Rights into Modern Teaching Methods

From April to June 2024, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, with support from the USAID Rule of Law Program, held training sessions for schoolteachers of public schools in Zugdidi and Tbilisi. These sessions, entitled, “Human Rights and Modern Teaching Methods,” enhanced the teachers’ understanding of human rights and equipped them with innovative teaching strategies.

The training sessions involved 27 teachers from two schools in Zugdidi, and encouraged the teachers to integrate human rights, gender equality, and cultural diversity into their subject matter. Participants were enthusiastic about the training's relevance and quality.

One teacher expressed gratitude, stating, "As in all other times, this time too, you have a very professional team. You always conduct training on relevant and important issues for us, which is very significant and helps in development."

Another participant emphasized the practical benefits, saying, "Classroom management skills are essential for my daily practices, and I will use the knowledge gained in practice."


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