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01 May - 30 Jun, 2024

Law Students Inform Young People of their Rights at Schools in Zugdidi and Tbilisi

In May and June, 2024, the USAID Rule of Law Program (Program) supported students from Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University deliver a series of educational sessions at Tbilisi and Zugdidi schools to increase young people’s awareness about their fundamental rights. As part of Street Law program, law students delivered four sessions at two public schools in Tbilisi, attended by 30 students. In Zugdidi, they delivered one session in each of the five public schools and at the Zugdidi Youth Council, with a total of 213 young people attending.

Students Gulchin Akhmedova and Nina Meskhi led a session titled "Protection of Personal Information." They emphasized the need to safeguard personal data, and explained the risks associated with social media sharing, and concerns related to ID card security. Participants engaged in interactive exercises and discussions.

Students Ketevan Kemoklidze and Giorgi Megrelishvili conducted a session titled "Procedural Rights." This session informed participants about procedural rights and their practical application in civil, administrative, and criminal contexts. Through analyzing specific cases, participants gained practical insight into mechanisms which protect their procedural rights in Georgia.

The informational meetings also focused on fundamental human rights, with special emphasis placed upon freedom of expression, the right to assembly and demonstration. At the conclusion of each session, quizzes were held where pupils answered questions related to the training content. Correct answers were rewarded with prizes - literature published by the university.

Reflecting on her involvement, Gulchin Akhmedova stated, "As a law student, the street law program has been invaluable. Working with schoolchildren, particularly through simulated trials and legal training tailored to their interests has significantly contributed to my professional growth. It inspires me to pursue a career in this field and continue educating students about their legal rights."

Giorgi Megrelishvili added, "As a master's student in law, engaging in training and simulated trials with young people has been incredibly rewarding. Applying theoretical knowledge in practice and developing skills to effectively communicate with young learners are crucial for my future aspirations as a teacher or lecturer."


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