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30 Oct 2023

Mediators Share Experience

The series of experience-sharing meetings between mediators, organized in the framework of the Institutional Strengthening and Mediation Development Project of the Mediators Association of Georgia (MAG), supported by the USAID Rule of Law Program, continues.

On October 27, MAG hosted a fourth meeting as described under the grant. Twenty-one participants came from Tbilisi, Rustavi, Bolnisi, Kutaisi and Gurjaani. Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of MAG, and Irakli Gelovani, the USAID Rule of Law Program ADR Advisor, welcomed the participants. 

Tamar Imnaishvili, the Executive Director of MAG, and Tariel Sikharulidze, a practicing mediator, moderated the event.  

“Experience sharing among mediators gives the opportunity to identify ongoing issues and challanges to be adressed for improvement. The USAID Rule of Law Program supports and gives us a unique opportunity to conduct such events for strengthening mediation, “ said Mr. Kandashvili.

“The USAID Rule of Law Program actively supports strengthening and promotion of ADR. Mediation is one of the main components in this direction. We actively cooperate with MAG and ongoing targeted grant to the association is a clear example of this,”  - said Mr. Gelovani.

The  moderators conducted an interesting question-answer and discussion, where experienced mediators shared their practice with new members of the association. Topics discussed during the meeting included: the impact attorneys have on mediation process outcome; the need for awareness raising among the general public; the importance of involvement of decision-makers by parties in the mediation process; the issue of mandatory meetings during court mediation; the importance of development of private mediation; the role of the judges in developing pro-mediation approach; and the challenges in enforcement of mediation agreements.

The participants shared specific mediation cases that presented unique challenges and shared strategies for resolution. They reflected upon what worked and what did not work.  They explored strategies for managing parties who are uncooperative or resistant to the mediation process. They shared stories of successful mediations, highlighting what contributed to their success.

MAG holds such meetings, because they serve as valuable opportunities for mediators to learn from one another, exchange insights, and enhance skills.


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