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19 Jul 2024

Respected Teacher Encourages the Teaching of Life Skills to Nation’s Youth

On July 17, 2024, the USAID Rule of Law Program, through its Kutaisi Rule of Law Hub, hosted a public talk on life skills young people should learn to become responsible citizens and contribute to the country’s democratic development.  The keynote speaker, teacher Lado Apkhazava, renowned for his work with youth through charity programs and leadership development, shared his views on how the nation’s youth should prepare themselves to contribute to the nation’s progress.

Mr. Apkhazava shared insights from the European education system, noting the significance of access to formal school education but stressing that a young person’s informal education is just as important. A person’s informal education includes learning how to set goals, create strategies to reach those goals and how to exercise responsible leadership. People that have these skills are better able to participate in a democratic society that respects the rule of law and human rights. He stated, “I always try to support my friends and colleagues, encouraging them to become future leaders. The more we support each other, the more positive changes will happen in society.”

One inspiring example Mr. Apkhazava shared was about an organization he and his friends started in Lanchkhuti. They help young people pursue their dreams and study for free by selling thousands of flowers each year and donating the proceeds to charity. Lado believes that everyone can set a good example and work together to form similar organizations, becoming responsible members of society.

Over 50 people attended the event, including schoolteachers, university professors, school children, students, civil society representatives, and local residents.

Mr. Apkhazava concluded with a powerful message: “Life offers many opportunities, so we must seize them and strive to be responsible citizens. We should care for one another, as this helps build a democratic state and a healthy environment.”


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