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15 - 26 Sep, 2024

Innovative Justice School

USAID Rule of Law Program announces a competition for students to participate in the Innovative Justice School.

Undergraduate (except the first and second-semester students) students of the Faculty of Law from various universities have the opportunity to participate in the project. The working language of the School will Georgian and English. The participants are required to have a good command of the English language.

The school will take place outside the Tbilisi (Kakheti or Borjomi) on October 17-20, 2024, and will be led by Georgian and foreign law experts. All the costs will be covered by the Program.

To participate in the project, by September 26, 2024, you must submit:

  1. Motivation letter in English (300 to 500 words);
  2. Transcript of records;
  3. Proof of student status;
  4. Contact Information (phone number, email)

Participants will be selected in two stages:

  1. Selection of applications;
  2. Interview.

The application deadline is 26.09.2024.

As a result of the competition, the 30 best students will be selected to participate in the Innovative Justice School.

Certificates will be awarded to all the participants.

Those willing to participate should send the necessary documentation at:


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