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USAID სამართლის უზენაესობის პროგრამა

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06 Dec ,2023 - 15 Jan, 2024

Judicial Study Tour in the U.S. with Labor Law Focus

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Rule of Law Program implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI), is pleased to continue its judicial exchange programming. The purpose of this programming is to strengthen the professional capacity of  judges in Georgia considering civil and administrative cases to work effectively and efficiently, and to gain knowledge and skills in both specific and more general subject areas.

This aim will be achieved by supporting activities that enable Georgian judges to have more direct interaction with U.S. judges, administrators, judicial educators, and relevant legal actors. Activities will include study visits and longer-term placements (secondments) of Georgian judges to the United States during which judges will interact with American judges, observe courtroom procedure, learn U.S. best practices for managing a court docket, and gain knowledge on legal topics of relevance to Georgian practice. In addition, the Program will also keep an “open-door” for judges to submit original, targeted ideas for individual study and professional development for short periods of time outside Georgia.

Labor Law Study Tour

The Program intends to carry out a study tour for Georgian judges to the U.S. on or about April 14-25, 2024

The focus of the study tour will be labor law. Special attention will be paid to women's labor rights; sexual harassment and other types of discrimination in the workplace; the duty to provide a safe working environment and issues related to workplace injuries; the practical implementation of assistance to a beneficiary of support; and the labor rights of persons with disabilities. In addition, Georgian judges will observe judicial ethics as practiced by U.S. judges, as well as how those judges manage case flow and implement the concept of people-centered justice.

Study tour participants will be limited to first and second-instance civil and administrative judges and magistrate judges as well as first-instance judges hearing different types of cases, including civil, administrative, and criminal cases.

No knowledge of English is required; translation will be provided. Up to ten judges will participate in this study tour.

For study tours, judges previously brought to the U.S. under the USAID Rule of Law Program or the USAID-funded program - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity (PROLoG) will be considered for judicial exchanges under the Rule of Law Program, however, preference may be given to judges who were not part of previous judicial exchanges.

Not being selected for this opportunity will not affect a judge’s chances of being selected for another opportunity at a later date.

To apply, judges must complete the application form below and send all the requested documents to the email address shown below in this announcement. Applications must be sent no later than midnight, January 15, 2024.

Selection Process

Selections for study tour participants will be made by a committee of experts using an objective and fair process in which all judges with the same qualifications will receive equal treatment. The USAID Rule of Law Program will serve as the Secretariat for the selection committee but will not be a voting member of the committee.

The selection of a participant for this trip will be based in part on the participant’s ability to benefit from the opportunity and to both use and share the knowledge gained upon their return to Georgia.  

Judges should only apply for this opportunity if the expected travel dates fit with their schedules, and they can demonstrate that their interests relate to the subject matter of the study tour.

To be considered for a position on this study tour, an applicant should do the following:

  1. Complete the study tour application form
  2. In addition to filling out the application form an applicant must send their current resume to no later than midnight, January 15, 2024. Please write “Judicial Exchange Program: Study Tour” in the subject line of the e-mail.

Please note that early submissions are encouraged. Failure to fully provide all the information may cause the Selection Committee to disqualify your application.

If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact Ana Gorduladze at; phone: 557 398 929.

Study Tour Applicatin

Please note: The information provided in this form will be treated as confidential and will only be used for the purpose of preparing and implementing the USAID Rule of Law Program’s judicial educational and exchange programs.

Please note: If you are interested in this exchange program, you must complete this application form even if you submitted an application for another opportunity.


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